Lady Shadowcat's Other Pages

Higher Rhlem! This is a general fantasy and science fiction geared original art and writing page. My better work is here. In other words, go here to see artworks of mine that are much better than this silly comic!

The Midnight Gym
The main Tripod page this page is on the same account as. This is a shrine to the Dark-Type pokemon from the Pokemon Gold and Silver game and from the Pokemon anime. I rarely update, but it has some nice info, artwork, animated giffies, and fanfiction.

Shadowcat's Suite
A page for my old crappy Pokemon fanfiction and artwork, set up by a friend of mine. Never gets updated anymore.

Trigun Pages

The great little message-board that inspired it all! (The comic, I mean). Come here, discuss Trigun, have fun, but watch out, we bite ^_^!!!

Jammer and Gator's site! Lots of unique features and great fan art.

Dues Ex Machina, a shrine to our red-coated hero, everything you ever wanted to know about Vash and more!

And may I say just how great a webmistress Rumika is? She runs lots of pages including the only E.G. Mine shrine I've seen on the 'Net ~snigger!~ and Team Rocket Palace, an archive of fanfic for the villains of the anime, Pokemon, to which I have contributed lots of my own writings! I'm sure you'll find a link to her splash page somewhere on there, but, if not, I'll find it for you by next update ^_^.

Trigun Realm, a cool little general site with a Drinking Game, "Spot the Cat", and other fun stuff! *Thinks* The Trigun Addicts list...that part about moving to the desert...I already live in southern Arizona! Glee! I know what Planet Gunsmoke is like, ha, ha!

Link to Me

Jammer made this nifty button for me! Thanks, Jammer! Please upload this to your own server to link. Tripod doesn't like crossposting.