Thrusday, 05/23/02: Just a fix on the Trigun Adoptable Eevees page. That is all. By the way, I do actually have Internet service now, due to a friend getting a Gateway computer and a free year of AOL, and since he doesn't like AOL, he gave the free year to me ^_^. In other news, I graduated from college and have gotten an entry level graphic design job. Yay! I've been...all this time working on other pages, including a lengthy ongoing original comic. Okay, I guess that's it for this update. Love and Peace!

Sunday, 12/16/01, The Finale' is Up!, IT IS FINISHED! At long last, "Lonesome Guns" is finished! I put up the last 9 pages, pages 59-67! The main story is finished, though I may do an epilogue gag comic every now and again, and once in a while put more features on this page (after all, I need to write more Vash "Underpantsted" soliogues for the Trigun Fun section!).

But the main work of this page, it's reason for existance, the comic, is FINISHED! Yay!

That is good, because after December 30, 2001, my current Internet Service Provider at home, Netzero, is cutting off my unlimited service because of telecomunications charges in my area or some junk. (Everybody boo Netzero. Netzero sucks!). The service used to be free, then, it reduced itself to free for 40 hours per month, pay 10 bucks a month for unlimted, which I, its free service is reduced to 10 hours a month and it doesn't want to provide the pay-for unlimted service in my area anymore.

I can still get Interent from my community college, but I'm going to be out of school until mid-January and I don't use the Internet as much at school as I have done at home because I use my in-between and after class times to do computer art homework types of things.

I may get myself a new home ISP if I get a part time job sometime soon, but, until then, none of my pages are going to see very much updating, and perhaps none. Therefore, this could be the last update of Lonesome Guns as a page as well as a comic. ~Sigh~.

So, I ask the goers to this page to enjoy the end of the comic and to consider this page as well as the comic a finished work.

I would like to thank all the fans of the comic as well as all the real people behind the Lonesome Guns characters. Thank you very much for the inspiration and encouragement, I did it for you!

Thank you, and adieu, ~~Lady Shadowcat~~

Updated! 12/10/01! Sorry for the delay. This time, I got distracted for a while. That distraction is named "Neon Genesis Evangelion". My online boyfriend sent me tapes 1-11 as a Christmas present and I've been marathon-watching them. *Bangs head* Must get tapes 12 and 13! ARrrrgh! Oh, well, I spoiled myself by reading junk online anyway... Great series. More confusing than anything, and I still like Trigun better, but still cool. Anyway, I pages 54-58 are now up, as well as some new fan art by Jammer and me, and a brand new section of humorous stuffs, "Trigun Fun!" Enjoy, my pretties.

Updated 12/05/01! Sorry for the delay! I've been sick with a cold lately, not wanting to get out of bed much, and busy with school stuff. Pages 51-53 added. I'm going to bring the comic to a conclusion soon! *Need to figure out exactly what I want do do for the end, I only have a rough idea*.

Updated 11/30/01! It was a long wait between updates this week, but it's worth it, trust me. 6, count 'em, 6 pages of new comic-ness! Pages 45-50 are up, so go see 'em! In addition, I added a few of my Oekkai arts in the Fan Art section.

Updated 11/26/01! As promised! Pages 41-44 now up!

Updated 11/25/01! No comic today, wait for tommorow! But, I added a cute little page of unique Adoptables! Go, get yourself your very own Trigun Eevee!

Updated 11/23/01! Pages 36-40 added, a spiffy new fan art by Naomi Athena, and a nifty "Page O' Refrences!"

Updated 11/19/01! Pages 32-35 added! The story continues!

Updated 11/16/01! Pages 28-31 added! Enjoy!

Updated 11/14/01! Pages 24-27 of the comic drawn and put up! New Linkage and...*gasp!* Fan Art! *Kisses Jammer, then kicks her for drawing the LG characters better than I do!*

Updated 11/12/01! I added four new pages to the comic and an archives page! I would have added a guestbook, also, but the guestbook service that Tripod/Lycos offers was something that I couldn't figure out very well...I created a book, but I found I couldn't sign it for some reason, so I just took it off the site. Maybe I can get this place a guestbook eventually...if I ever figure it out. I figured out the one that Geocities offers, strangely enough...

I might add some real links (that is, actual Trigun links, not just links to my other pages) later tonight. Until next update, adieu!

Updated 11/10/01! Lonesome Guns page created! Check back here in coming days for more of the comic!